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spanked in uniform
» Disciplinary Ship Genesis: The Borg
The Genesis was sent to the Andromeda system to investigate the sighting of a Borg cube. She is equiped with the latest Earthfleet quantum torpedos which can destroy a Borg cube. As soon as The Genesis exited Warp, the cube appeared and when captain Rogers ordered a full spread of Quantum torpedos to be launched, nothing happened!. He called weapons bay immediately and the reason was that ensign Reynolds had the torpedos out to be polished, Before the Genesis was assimilated, she put them back in their tubes and the Borg cube was destroyed. An angry Captain went down to weapons bay and scolded and spanked ensign Reynolds right there. He then ordered her to her quarters where he soundly spanked and paddled her with her own Earthfleet issude paddle and he laid her over her bed for a dose of the punisher. Finally she had to do the rest of her duty shifts bare bottom so everyone could see who almost got them turned into Borg drones! From Spanked In Uniform!

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